The Ultimate LEGO Vehicle Contest
ULV I: 20 May 2000

The Speed Contest
Only two of the four action-oriented events from the first ULV were captured on film. We begin with the speed contest which pits vehicle against vehicle in a "pinewood derby-style" race to the finish line.

Racing down the slope to the straightaway, Mark's string powered contraption gets an early lead over J-VEQ's boat-car, but already shows signs of tipping -- a fate that would become all too common among the more vertically-extended vehicles.

Steering proved to be a decisive factor in many races, with some vehicles unable to successfully navigate the track without smashing into the side walls. Here Jonathan cruises to victory while Thomas's monkey mobile, while speedy, careens out of control.

The break between the two sections of track was a stumbling point for some vehicles. Here Sean's vehicle is toppled while Sophie's spread-out wheels help her vehicle negotiate the track.

An eleventh-hour topple by Sean's vehicle means victory for Brendan.

In a photo finish, Thomas squeaks past the "house car", preserving precious dignity.

Next up... The Structural Integrity Test!